> As a quick update, we've implemented some list settings last week to help to 
> keep spam off the list.  New subscribers are moderated until we're 
> comfortable 
> with their posts.  We rejected the idea of keyword based message filtering
> since not only is a lot of work to maintain, it's trivial to get around it if
> you really want to post banned words.
> Comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Matt Griswold, on behalf of the NANOG Communications Committee

I dislike this change - how long are subscribers considered "new"? I 
believe (and I hope I'm wrong) that with this new rule the nanog 
maiing list will turn into another fulldisc (list activity greatly 
reduced) by this change. Before this change I had thought of nanog as 
the new fulldisc - I guess I will have to find yet ANOTHER mailing 
list for continued activity. And just for reference - have you guys 
SEEN the "Linux Kernel Mailing List"? - it gets frequent spam posts 
and yet is perfectly able to ignore the spam/irrelevant posts and 
continue on its remit.

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