We also use UNI NIDs that trap interface status, log interface and COS
queue statistics, and respond to y.1731 traffic.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Siegel, David <dave.sie...@level3.com> wrote:
> We deploy NIDs to the customer premise.  You just can't get enough alarm data 
> be looking only at your router/switch on your side of an Ethernet NNI to give 
> you a proper indication of whether the service is functional, and it also 
> happens to be quite handy to have when a performance test/verification is 
> required.
> There are a variety of vendors out there to choose from...we have quite a lot 
> of Tellabs and Accedian out in the field.
> I had hoped that last mile vendors would have been providing NIDs "smartjack" 
> style by now in a fairly ubiquitous fashion, but alas none of them have 
> stepped up to the plate so we're still putting them out there on our own dime.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ehiwe [mailto:petereh...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:14 AM
> To: North American Network Operators' Group
> Subject: MPLS L2VPN monitoring
> Hello ,
> For those who provide l2vpn services to customers over MPLS , what kind of 
> tools do you use for monitoring the circuits  and what kind of values do you 
> proactively monitor
> I have tools in place to monitor these circuits but i want to know based on 
> group members experiences in order to improve my monitoring platform for this 
> circuits.
> Thanks a lot!

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