On 7/14/12 11:15 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012, Łukasz Bromirski wrote:

NetFlow, jFlow, IPFIX deal with flows. You can discuss sampling
accuracy and things like that, but working with flows is more accurate.

If you do 1:1000 sampling with both Netflow and sFlow, why would one of
them be more accurate than the other? If you analyze the flow on the
device or on the collector (as might be done with sFlow), I don't see
why one would be btter than the other.

Sure, but with sampling you'll loose accuracy anyway. The difference is
subtle, and depends on the (Net|j)Flow implementation - on some devices
for sampled NetFlow you'll still get sampled FLOWS (1:x) not sampled
PACKETS (thus disregarding the flow advantage).

"There's no sense in being precise when |               Łukasz Bromirski
 you don't know what you're talking     |      jid:lbromir...@jabber.org
 about."               John von Neumann |    http://lukasz.bromirski.net

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