On 7/7/12, Matthew Palmer <mpal...@hezmatt.org> wrote:
> * We've already had mention made in this thread of the problems associated
>   with HR attempting to record, verbatim, an answer provided by a candidate.
Conversation should be recorded,   then they don't have to write out
the full text :)

Asking a HR agent to vet a candidate's  technical credentials,  beyond
verification of identity/history/certs,   is  like asking a blind
person to administer a vision test.

Possibly it can be done,  but only within a very rigid framework
requiring very little flexibility or knowledge from the test

The HR agent should make it clear that the question is a screening question,
to be answered as-is to their ability,  and a short  easily-recordable
answer is expected.

The ideal screening question should be either presented as multiple
choice, or a question where a one word  or one-sentence answer is

That can be written down very easily,  and correctness/incorrectness
should be obvious.
Instead of asking for a definition of TCP,  provide the definition,
and ask for the one word or one number answer.

"When a number received in an IP packet is presented in network byte
order,  and the host architecture is big endian, what must be done to
convert the number into host byte order?"
(one word answer)

"What commonly used protocol uses IP datagrams to provide a reliable transport?"
(one word answer)

"What IP protocol number has IANA assigned protocol number 1  to?"
(one word answer)

"The TCP/UDP port numbers below what number are considered well-known,
and can only be bound by administrative users?"
(one number answer)

"What version of the IP datagram protocol is most widely deployed?"
(one number answer)

"How many bits are there in an IPv4 address?"
(one two-digit number answer)

"Host bits in an IPv4 address correspond to the bits in the network
mask  set to what value?"
(one single-digit number answer)

"Is  a valid ip address for a host on a private intranet?"
  (one yes/no answer)
"Is ?"
  (one yes/no answer)

"What's the problem with using as a subnet mask if you
want to make a LAN subnet with 12 hosts?"
  (5 word answer)

"What TCP header flag should be set on the first packet sent by a
connection initiator as part of a 3-way handshake?"
  (one word answer)

"What TCP destination port numbers should be allowed through the
perimeter stateful firewall device to and from a mail server whose
only purpose is to proxy SMTP mail from internal sources?"
(one number answer)



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