DNA; Homo Sapien.

Smart questions get smart answers.

If you want HR to test technical knowledge just make a multiple choice
test. (Course then you open a new can of worms).

On Jul 6, 2012 3:16 PM, "Keith Medcalf" <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
> > > "A client cannot access the website "http://xyz.com";
> >
> > >> How does the user know that it cannot access the web site?
> >
> > > When did users become things?
> >
> > > Probably a candidate that made this mistake should be dismissed from
> > > consideration on that basis alone.
> >
> > How do you know that the client is a person?
> Perhaps "What language is the client written in, and what Operating
System is it running on?" would be a better response.
> ---
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