
We implemented fail2ban about a year ago to cut down on incoming spamming (down from 500k+ emails a day to 20k)

Now what can I do with the ~11,000 IP's I identify as spammer every week :(

Reporting them to their Telco is pretty much a waste of time... they are not about to lose customers to something as trivial as computer security.

Alain Hebert                                aheb...@pubnix.net
PubNIX Inc.
50 boul. St-Charles
P.O. Box 26770     Beaconsfield, Quebec     H9W 6G7
Tel: 514-990-5911  http://www.pubnix.net    Fax: 514-990-9443

On 06/28/12 17:52, TR Shaw wrote:
On Jun 28, 2012, at 4:31 PM, Lou Katz wrote:

The other day, I looked carefully at my auth.log (Xubuntu 11.04) and discovered 
many lines
of the form:

      Jun 28 13:13:54 localhost sshd[12654]: Bad protocol version 
identification '\200F\001\003\001' from

In the past day, I have recorded about 20,000 unique IP addresses used for this 
type of probe.
I doubt if this is a surprise to anyone - my question is twofold:

1. Does anyone want this evergrowing list of, I assume, compromised machines?
2. Is there anything useful to do with this info other than put the IP 
addresses into a firewall reject table? I have done
   that and do see a certain amount of repeat hits.
Just a note that if you were running fail2ban.org you would get automatic 
updates of your firewall and share the IPs with the community and get the 
advantage of the communities detections as well.

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