seems to be hosted on a IP belonging to AS32244 (Liquid Web).

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 12:28 AM, Matthew Black <> wrote:
> Running Apache on three Solaris servers behind a load balancer.
> I forgot how to lookup our AS number to see if it matches couchtarts.
> matthew black
> information technology services
> california state university, long beach
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Hubbard []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: DNS poisoning at Google?
> Typically if google were pulling your site sometimes from the wrong IP, their 
> safe browsing page should indicate it being on another AS number in addition 
> to the correct one 2152:
> ://
> For example, the couchtarts site they claim yours is redirecting to:
> ://
> That site's DNS is screwed up and some requests are sent to a different IP at 
> a different host, so Google picked up both AS numbers.
> Could one of your domain's subdomains be what is actually infected?  You seem 
> to have a bunch of them, maybe google is penalizing the whole domain over a 
> subdomain?  Not sure if they do that or not.
> If your sites are running off of an application like wordpress, etc., you may 
> not get the same page that google gets and the application may have been 
> hacked.
> Here's a wget command you can use to make requests to your site pretending to 
> be google:
> wget -c \
> --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1;
> +" \
> --output-document=googlebot.html ''
> nanog will probably line wrap that user agent line making it not correct so 
> you'll have to put it back together correctly.  It will save the output to a 
> file named googlebot.html you can look at to see if anything weird ends up 
> being served.
> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matthew Black []
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:53 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: DNS poisoning at Google?
>> Google Safe Browsing and Firefox have marked our website as containing
>> malware. They claim our home page returns no results, but redirects
>> users to another compromised website
>> We have thoroughly examined our root .htaccess and httpd.conf files
>> and are not redirecting to the problem target site. No recent changes
>> either.
>> We ran some NSLOOKUPs against various public DNS servers and
>> intermittently get results that are NOT our servers.
>> We believe the DNS servers used by Google's crawler have been
>> poisoned.
>> Can anyone shed some light on this?
>> matthew black
>> information technology services
>> california state university, long beach

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