I have also noticed that traffic sourced in NYC destined for Qatar across NTT 
seems to now go from NYC -> SJC -> SNG and ends up being about 180+ms longer 
than just going over the atlantic.

I've seen this a few times (only with NTT routes).


-----Original Message-----
From: Anurag Bhatia [mailto:m...@anuragbhatia.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:15 PM
To: NANOG Mailing List
Subject: NTT handing packets to Reliance (Flag Telecom) in California for BSNL 

Hello everyone,

I was trying to understand reason for high latency between my BSNL (AS9829) 
connection and a specific Germany based server on M-Online.

I can see forward path is correct but reverse path is:

traceroute to (117.200.57.X), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  gw.giga-dns.com ( [AS51167]  0.929 ms  0.915 ms  1.151 ms
 2  host-93-104-204-33.customer.m-online.net ( [AS8767]
 1.144 ms  1.370 ms  1.608 ms
 3  xe-1-1-0.rt-decix-2.m-online.net ( [AS8767]  8.334 ms
 8.325 ms  8.559 ms
 4  xe-1-1-0.rt-decix-2.m-online.net ( [AS8767]  8.043 ms ( [AS2914]  8.289 ms 
xe-1-1-0.rt-decix-2.m-online.net ( [AS8767]  8.023 ms
 5  ae-2.r20.frnkge04.de.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  77.508 ms ( [AS2914]  7.773 ms  7.768 ms
 6  ae-1.r23.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  15.726 ms 
xe-1-1-3.r20.frnkge04.de.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  9.195 ms 
ae-3.r22.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  43.581 ms
 7  ae-1.r23.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  15.876 ms 
xe-1-1-3.r20.frnkge04.de.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  42.557 ms
 42.534 ms
 8  ae-7.r21.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  108.990 ms  
101.966 ms ae-0.r23.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]
 90.236 ms
 9  ae-2.r21.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  167.662 ms 
ae-1.r20.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  131.915 ms 
ae-7.r21.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  99.925 ms
10  ae-0.r20.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  131.452 ms 
ae-2.r04.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  162.135 ms
 171.360 ms
11  ae-2.r21.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  227.815 ms 
ae-2.r04.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  160.347 ms 
ae-2.r21.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  167.755 ms
12  ae-2.r04.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]  166.245 ms
 172.954 ms  162.521 ms
13  xe-0-1-0-10.r04.lsanca03.us.ce.gin.ntt.net ( [AS2914]
 183.765 ms  183.748 ms  185.719 ms
14 ( [AS18101]  322.389 ms
( [AS15412]  316.879 ms ( [AS9829]
 315.371 ms
15 ( [AS9829]  311.356 ms  311.584 ms ( [AS18101]  333.586 ms
16 ( [AS9829]  359.339 ms  353.042 ms
 354.021 ms
17 ( [AS9829]  348.914 ms  344.156 ms
 342.131 ms
18  * ( [AS9829]  354.091 ms *
19  * * *
20  * * *

I can see from Reliance's Looking glass that there direct path from EU to India 
on their network. I wonder why exactly NTT handling off packets to Reliance in 
California? The problem seems only for BSNL block -

If destination is not BSNL and say Reliance itself...say for Monster.co.inweb 
server which is in Reliance datacenter:

*Query Results:*
*Router: *Amsterdam - NL
*Command:* traceroute

*Disclaimer: Traceroute is a useful tool for determining the route a packet 
takes, but it should not be used as an accurate measure of network performance. 
For more information please view the Traceroute 

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  as-0.r22.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net (  15.806 ms
0.746 ms  0.718 ms
     MPLS Label=499040 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=0
     MPLS Label=304400 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=1
 2  ae-5.r23.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  8.180 ms
7.740 ms  8.770 ms
     MPLS Label=304400 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=1
 3  ae-2.r02.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  16.229 ms
15.829 ms  16.326 ms
 4  flagtelecom-0.r02.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (
15.059 ms  16.032 ms  7.014 ms
 5 (  8.332 ms
(  32.306 ms ge-0-0-3.0.cjr02.ldn004.flagtel.com
(  9.051 ms
     MPLS Label=412816 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=1
 6  so-1-0-0.0.pjr02.ldn001.flagtel.com (  8.616 ms 
so-1-0-0.0.pjr01.ldn001.flagtel.com (  19.806 ms 
ge-0-1-0.0.pjr01.ldn001.flagtel.com (  8.059 ms
     MPLS Label=300480 CoS=0 TTL=1 S=1
 7  so-4-0-0.0.pjr01.mmb004.flagtel.com (  280.327 ms 
so-1-0-0.0.pjr02.mmb004.flagtel.com (  281.659 ms 
so-3-1-0.0-pjr02.mmb004-flagtel.com (  282.889 ms
 8 (  285.101 ms  695.643 ms (  278.537 ms

Pretty much direct.

I wonder what exactly is different/wrong in case of BSNL block 
Is BSNL selectively announcing it only from Reliance's California based router 
and not any other router in Europe?

Can somehow one can test & confirm the above guess of selective announcement?

(*Apologize if I missed some fundamental glitch error. I am new to it.*)



Anurag Bhatia

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