On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:08:25 -0700, JC Dill said:

> If both flavors were equally easy to exploit, according to your theory
> above we would see more exploits on the *nix servers.  Yet server-side
> exploits are seen on Windows servers far more often than *nix servers,
> despite the fact that more web pages are served by *nix servers than
> Windows servers.

I suspect the *real* issue is that for really large systems, it's not so much
"exploits" as "one-off customized attacks".  The chances of pwning Bank
of America with an off-the-shelf attack are pretty low - but finding a blind
SQL injection and leveraging it are a bit higher.

And given all the 'XYZ got pwned' news stories, I suspect that in fact
the *nix boxes *are* being attacked - just not with COTS attack tools.

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