On Sun, 10 Jun 2012, Randy Bush wrote:

the key question to me is when will my normal dns rbwls support ipv6?
in exim-speak

and this time let's skip the usual round of telling me the worth of each
element of my selection.

My thoughts on this is that unless ISPs start to announce what "one customer" is, this is pretty hard. It's a problem in IPv4, but even more so in IPv6.

Wouldn't it help a lot if there was a way to publish that "in this /42, there is one customer per /56, and in this other /42, there is one customer per /48"?

How can that be done via DNS (if that is still a favourable mechanism to distribute information like this)? Whois is not a good way...

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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