---- Original Message -----
> From: "Lyndon Nerenberg" <lyn...@orthanc.ca>

> The only way to ensure your personal passwords are never compromised
> is to kill yourself after destroying all physical copies of those
> passwords. While ultimately secure, you won't be able to do your daily
> online banking.

No, but on the positive side, the issue will be less pressing to you.

User-side authentication security is a multi-dimensional problem, and it
is probably not theoretically possible to optimize any given instance for
all of the possible vectors simultaneously.  Different individuals need
to make their own threat estimate, and decide what approach they want to 
take to it.

Of course, 95% of the affected audience wouldn't know what the phrase
"threat estimate" meant, even if you threatened them.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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