In a message written on Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 11:14:58PM -0700, Aaron C. de 
Bruyn wrote:
> Heck no to X.509.  We'd run into the same issue we have right now--a
> select group of companies charging users to prove their identity.


A user providing the public half of a self-signed certificate is
exactly the same as the user providing the public half of a
self-generated SSH key.

The fact that you can have a trust chain may be useful in some
cases.  For instance, I'm not at all opposed to the idea of the
government having a way to issue me a signed certificate that I
then use to access government services, like submitting my tax
return online, renewing my drivers license, or maybe even e-voting.

The X.509 certificates have an added bonus that they can be used
to secure the transport layer, something that your ssh-key-for-login
proposal can't do.

This is all a UI problem.  If Windows/OSX or Safari/Firefox/Chrome
prompted users to create or import a "user certificate" when first
run, and provided a one-click way to provide it to a form when signing
up there would be a lot more incentive to use that method.  Today pretty
much the only place you see certificates for users is Enterprises with
Microsoft's certificate tools because of the UI problem.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at

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