You should have a look at the Pentest Standards page, it was created
by some very skilled Pen Testers how are trying to create a minimum
standard for all tests and reporting.

Also you should just have to give them your external net-block
allocation that is in scope unless it is a more forced test and not a
general external test.

On 5 June 2012 20:48, Brett Watson <> wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:52 AM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:
>> As far as horror stories... yeah.   My most memorable experience was a guy 
>> (with a CISSP designation, working for a company who came highly 
>> recommended) who:
>>    - Spent a day trying to get his Backtrack CD to "work properly".  When I 
>> looked at it, it was just a color depth issue in X that took about 45 
>> seconds from "why is this broken?" to "hey look, I fixed it!".
>>    - Completely missed the honeypot machine I set up for the test.  I had 
>> logs from the machine showing that his scanning had hit the machine and had 
>> found several of the vulnerabilities, but the entire machine was absent from 
>> the report.
>>    - Called us complaining that a certain behavior that "he'd never seen 
>> before" was happening when he tried to nmap our network.  The "certain 
>> behavior" was a firewall with some IPS functionality, along with him not 
>> knowing how to read nmap output.
>>    - Completely messed up the report -- three times.  His report had the 
>> wrong ports & vulnerabilities listed on the wrong IPs, so according to the 
>> report, we apparently had FreeBSD boxes running IOS or MS SQL...
>>    - Stopped taking our calls when we asked why the honeypot machine was 
>> completely missing from the report.
>> In general, my experience with most "pen testers" is a severe 
>> disappointment, and isn't anything that couldn't be done in-house by taking 
>> the person in your department who has the most ingrained hacker/geek 
>> personality, giving them Nessus/Metasploit/nmap/etc, pizza and a big ass pot 
>> of coffee, and saying "Find stuff we don't know about. Go.".   There is the 
>> occasional pen tester who is absolutely phenomenal and does the job properly 
>> (i.e. the guys who actually write their own shellcode, etc), but the vast 
>> majority of "pen testers" just use automated tools and call it a day.  Like 
>> everything else in IT, security has been "commercialized" to the point where 
>> finding really good vendors/people is hard, because everyone and their mom 
>> has CEH, CISSP, and whatever other alphabet soup certifications you can 
>> imagine.
> I agree with a lot of what you've said, but there are absolutely good 
> security guys (pen tester, vulnerability assessors, etc) that use both open 
> source and commercial automated tools, but still do a fantastic job because 
> they understand the underlying technologies and protocols.
> I used to do a lot of this in the past, had lots of automated tools, and only 
> occasionally wrote some assessment modules or exploit code if necessary.
> But again, a person in that position has to understand technology 
> holistically (network, systems, software, protocols, etc).
> -b


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