In a troubleshooting situation I think real time is valid. Off course, is
non-sense doing this for "normal" monitoring...

But firstly define: What's real-time? every second? miliseconds? 10
seconds? 30 seconds? It's subjective nowadays

2012/5/4 David Miller <>

> On 5/4/2012 6:53 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
> > Anurag Bhatia wrote:
> >> I have been using Zenoss quite a bit. It does not shows exact real time
> >> stat of interface but close to real time + it has ton more options for
> >
> > I remember someone here saying that real time monitoring gives you
> > useless results, because if you make the time of measurement small
> > enough the utilisation becomes 100%. Measurement of throughput is how
> > many times this happens during a particular time interval. I hope I
> > remembered right.
> >
> I think you are referring to this thread -
> and in particular this quote:
>  cjp at 0x1 wrote on Feb 16, 2012, 11:25am
>     As sampling rate approaches zero, so will the "spikyness" of the
>    graph--ultimately an interface is either sending a frame (*100*%) or
> it's
>    not (0%).
>    -cjp
> Utilisation doesn't "become 100%", instead measured utilisation will
> either be 100% or 0% at each interval.
> -DMM


LĂ­vio Zanol Puppim

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