As one involved in emergency services I don't gave a rats whether you can't tell one voice from another. I do care if someone who is having a fire, accident, cardiac episode or stroke can get through.
The cell companies are worrying about your whim and not the safety. Ralph Brandt -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 11:33 AM To: NANOG Subject: Re: Cellphones and Audio (was Ghost Click, though I got no idea why) On Thu, 03 May 2012 11:01:01 -0400, Jay Ashworth said: > In general, though, intelligibility comes from the higher frequencies, > and 3.4kHz is *usually* high enough. What might be the case is that you'd > have more trouble *distinguishing* amongst women, or between women and > children, because the tones necessary for that are more located above the > cutoff frequency. I have had more than a few surreal conversations on the phone with my daughter - once the 3.4kHz filter gets done, I can't distinguish her voice from her mom's (and yes, I've gotten social-engineered as a result). Life has gotten simpler since she got old enough to have her own cell phone. ;)