I can vouch for Uverse being excellent service, at least in my area
(Atlanta). It's fast, it hasn't gone down once in over a year since I got
it, and I went ahead and got the Uverse TV service as well which has proven
to be a better deal than cable offerings in my area (satellite isn't an
option due to the arrangement of my property). The 2WIRE gateway they
provide is surprisingly capable. Port forwarding, the ability to scan the
wifi spectrum to see what channels are occupied, and a lot more. I haven't
found the need to replace it although it doesn't support 802.11n so I'm
going to add an AP at some point.


On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Faisal Imtiaz <fai...@snappydsl.net> wrote:

> Yes, you can ask them to change the 'profile', which can make things more
> stable.
> Or you can dump you switch your DSL out for Uverse (Internet Only)...
> Which is sold online (only) without any bundle.
> In most cases you can end up with more bandwidth at the same or lower cost.
> http://www.att.com/u-verse/**shop/index.jsp?shopFilterId=**
> 500001#fbid=y_8VIHP6LWJ<http://www.att.com/u-verse/shop/index.jsp?shopFilterId=500001#fbid=y_8VIHP6LWJ>
> Faisal Imtiaz
> Snappy Internet&  Telecom
> 7266 SW 48 Street
> Miami, Fl 33155
> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232
> Helpdesk: 305 663 5518 option 2 Email: supp...@snappydsl.net
> On 4/10/2012 1:45 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> On 4/9/12 8:21 PM, Brandon Ewing wrote:
>>> I've been an AT&T DSL customer for 3+ years, with no issues until
>>> they started sending people into my neighborhood to "start
>>> retrofitting for UVerse".  Since they've visited, my PPPoE has
>>> dropped once an hour, many times requiring me to restart my router
>>> (Cisco 877) to get my virtual interface to come back up.
>>> Speaking with the front line on the phone has given me nothing but
>>> problems (in their defense, I do have a non-standard modem) --
>>> could someone with knowledge provide me with a way to bypass the
>>> CSRs and speak to someone with clue to work out debug logs and
>>> figure out why I am suddenly an unhappy AT&T customer?
>> The same thing happened to me. You can try asking them to simply
>> change the line from "fastpath" to "interleaved" or lower the sync
>> rate. I was transferred to someone who made the changes live on the phone.
>> After they retrofitted my neighborhood for Uverse, fastpath would no
>> longer hold sync. I ultimately had to give up ADSL via my 877W because
>> AT&T coincidentally no longer offered anything better than 2Mbps ADSL
>> after the Uverse changes rolled through.
>> ~Seth

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