I understand Ubiquity gear is very common, in use and available in Iran ...
Look at their unifi product line.


On Mar 31, 2012, at 5:38 AM, Shahab Vahabzadeh <sh.vahabza...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I asked for a wireless solution for a university, in which they want indoor
> wireless solution for more than 5 building (at least two floor) and outdoor
> wireless solution for near 160m*280m garden.
> As I look for maps we need at least 3 or 4 outdoor radio, I think in these
> networks the best solution is to have only one SSID in whole network to
> give mobility for the network, is this called ad-hoc? or it has an other
> name?
> I do not know if I could ask question clearly or not, suppose we have 4
> radio but only one SSID is broadcasting and when you are near the radio is
> near to you you will get service from that one, as this solution must be
> implement for indoor ones too.
> And if there is any good company which can both indoor and outdoor solution
> and they have shipping to Iran too or reseller in Iran please give me the
> url.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Regards,
> Shahab Vahabzadeh, Network Engineer and System Administrator
> Cell Phone: +1 (415) 871 0742
> PGP Key Fingerprint = 8E34 B335 D702 0CA7 5A81  C2EE 76A2 46C2 5367 BF90

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