What does Comcast do if you exceed 20 meg? We were told by AT&T that anything 
over the specified limit would be dropped, so we use rate limiting...not sure 
if Comcast does the same.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian R. Watters" <brwatt...@absfoc.com>
To: "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:36:43 PM
Subject: Comcast Ethernet Feed

We are about to accept a 20MEG Ethernet feed via Comcast and their fiber plant 
as well as a BGP feed across the same link.

I have a space GIGE interface on a 7206VXR and would like to know best practice 
for deploying for optimal performance across this interface.

Any ideas and or direction would be extremely helpful as we are seeing some 
real issues such as.

Direct connect (without BGP) to the CPE from Comcast (Fiber to Ethernet) via a 
laptop gives the level of performance we would expect, However as soon as we 
terminate to our router via the GIGE which is set to 100MB full duplex and all 
flow control turned off (Negotiation auto) per Comcast and connect up via a 
100MB fast Ethernet interface directly connected we get a fraction of the speed 
when direct connected.



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