Hi Carlos,
  You are right... I just entered with my account and after I clicked
"Edit DNS" there is a dialog box which says:

"Advanced Users:

To specify your IPv6 name server address (IPv6 glue record), e-mail us
the domain name, the host name of the name server(s), and their IPv6

See you,


On 3/28/12, Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo <carlosm3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just received a heads-up from a friend telling me that Network
> Solutions is unable/unwilling to configure AAAA's for .com/.net domains.
> He works for a large media outlet who will be enabling IPv6 on their
> sites for World IPv6 Launch Day.
> I hope it's just a misunderstanding.  If it's not, I would love to know
> if there is a reason for this, and if they have a timeline for
> supporting AAAA's.
> It's ok to contact me privately.
> regards
> Carlos

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