Ray Soucy wrote:

If people got serious about FTTH, I think a _very_ optimistic timeline
would be something like:

Not optimistic at all, technically or operationally. Politically and legally are another matter:

2015 - First communities coming online, 100M to the home (probably Gigabit
line rate, but throttled).

There's been quite a lot of FTTH for quite a few years now. In addition to the Verizon FIOS stuff - up to 135mbps down/ 35mbps up available where I am (though I've been quite happy with lower speeds).

Municipal electric utilities have been deploying fiber right and left. Probably 200 systems operational. The two that come to mind immediately are:

Chattanooga, TN - GigE FTTH Today - http://chattanoogagig.com/ -

Grant County PUD (public utility district), OR has had the fiber in for a few years, selling wholesale - not sure what specific retail services are available

There'd probably be a lot more available if the big telcos and cable companies weren't doing everything they can to block municipal bids.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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