Oops Almost missed that. Sorry about that.
Btw coming back to original question - can you put some light on gTLDs in India? Are there any instances? Just to clarify - with gTLD I am refering to .com/net/org primarily. On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Peter Losher <plos...@isc.org> wrote: > On Mar 11, 2012, at 4:01 AM, Anurag Bhatia wrote: > > > Thanks for info Peter > > > > > > I missed that because firstly no routes from major Indian backbones > > I can assure you that we get a good chunk of traffic from at least one of > the "major Indian Backbones". The Chennai PoP is smaller than NIXI's other > locations in Mumbai/Dehli/Kolkata, but it has a couple of the major > players... > > > and second it is not even mentioned on official site of root servers - > http://www.root-servers.org under F root. > > Umm, but it is... search for "Chennai, IN" and also look the "F" bubble on > Chennai on the Google Map that is on the page. > > Best Wishes - Peter > -- > [ plos...@isc.org | Senior Operations Architect | ISC | PGP E8048D08 ] > > -- Anurag Bhatia anuragbhatia.com or simply - http://[2001:470:26:78f::5] if you are on IPv6 connected network! Twitter: @anurag_bhatia <https://twitter.com/#!/anurag_bhatia> Linkedin: http://linkedin.anuragbhatia.com