> Other issues I've noticed..cannot use arrow keys to search command
> buffer.

This is going to be a tougher one.  Might be a difference in character 
encoding. Here is the VT100 spec:


*  ESC D             cursor down - at bottom of region, scroll up
*  ESC M             cursor up - at top of region, scroll down


Arrows      Standard       Applications     IBM Keypad
   Up        ESC [ A        ESC O A          Alt 9
  Down       ESC [ B        ESC O B          Alt 0
  Right      ESC [ C        ESC O C          Alt -
  Left       ESC [ D        ESC O D          Alt =

So you probably need to check your keyboard encoding.  It likely differs from 
VT100 escape sequences.

Also, if you have several devices connected to that terminal server, see if you 
have one that is spewing debug or other information out the console port. That 
one might be causing some buffer overrun situations or keeping the CPU busy so 
it loses characters.  Line noise can cause garbled data, too.  But I would try 
flow control first.  One thing I have seen before also is ground loops causing 
issues.  Some serial devices actually tie signal ground to chassis ground.  If 
you have a cable connecting two such devices and there is some ground potential 
difference, you can create a ground loop and introduce noise (and things like 
sparks, fire, blown fuses, etc.) if the ground potential difference is great 
enough between the two devices.

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