On 3/7/2012 9:32 AM, Leigh Porter wrote:
I liked how ssh is secure-telnet, took bit head scratching to enable
That is, of course, incorrect; there is actually a "secure telnet";
ISTR it's telnet-over-ssl?
How do you enable SSH then?
It may be incorrect terminology, but it is actually ssh on the box.
]rsa local-key-par create
]stelnet server enable
]undo ssh server compatible-ssh1x enable
]display ssh server status
SSH version :2.0
SSH connection timeout :60 seconds
SSH server key generating interval :0 hours
SSH Authentication retries :3 times
SFTP server :Disable
Stelnet server :Enable
>save all
Do Huawei routers even have SSH? It'd slightly ironic that there is fuss around
getting a Juniper domestic image with SSH enabled and yet a Chinese vendor
likely just gives it away.
See above.
So having said all that, has anybody here had good experiences of Huawei
routers? Have they worked well in your networks and are you happy with them?
I'm mainly looking for something small (1-2U) that will do Ethernet over MPLS,
VPLS and L3VPN services.
My experience is limited with just keeping it running and configuring
what I must. I have 0 documentation and it requires a lot of "?" for me
to find the appropriately named commands for what I want to do still. I
haven't seen the physical box. I've heard them call it an X3 and an
NE40E. A little googling, and I'm not sure if this router is even a
homebrew for them.
I suspect others have a lot more experience with their various platforms.