On Mon, 5 Mar 2012, Owen DeLong wrote:
However, the bigger problem (from my experience-driven POV) is that it
is not so intuitively obvious that developing a network-based product
using a team consisting entirely of developers who view the network as
an unnecessarily complicated serial port (which, really is about the
approach most developers seem to take to networking) is also doomed to a
certain amount of failure.
I'd also add that many software developers are either ignorant of how
protocols operate, or they take a "meh, it's close enough, XYZ gets
through, doesn't it?" approach. That's not to say that those developers
aren't good at what they do - they just might not be accustomed to working
the way that people with a more network-centric (or task-agnostic) view
would likely choose to work. This would include things like digesting
RFCs/standards/BCPs, boiling those down to finite-state machines and then
writing code to execute the machine.
Admittedly we (the 'network guys') don't always make it easy for them.
RFCs get obsoleted by newer RFCs, but the newer RFCs might still reference
items from the original RFC, etc. This can turn into developing for
something that is still a moving target (DHCPv6, anyone?), which can turn
into scope creep, and ultimately, frustrated developers (see: "meh, it's
close enough, XYZ gets through, doesn't it?").
For example, most apps designed to work with consumer electronics make
the assumption that everything in a given household will be within the
same broadcast domain as the device on which the app is running.
However, in my household, the wireless network and the wired network are
in separate broadcast domains. The consumer electronics are by and large
on the wired network. The iPad, iPhone, and other portable
network-capable electronics are not.
Other common, but misguided assumptions (even in 2012):
1. You will be using IPv4. We have no idea what this IPv6 nonsense is.
Looks complicated and scary.
2. is the only valid netmask.
3. You are using Internet Explorer, and our web management interface has
ActiveX controls that require you to do so.
4. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.