On 2/20/12 09:55 , Leo Bicknell wrote:
> In a message written on Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 09:51:59AM -0800, Joel jaeggli 
> wrote:
>> Things with legacy ports on them are on the way out. given an ipmi
>> manager that doesn't suck there should be no reason to connect to the
>> machine at all, to console in. the rats nest is a lot more tractable
>> when there is ethernet and power and nothing else.
> This reminded me of another gizmo I'd like to have...
> How about a Bluetooth to Serial adapter?  Routers don't (yet) have
> iLO, but I have this fantasy about being able to walk into a colo
> with a handfull of small adapters that I simply plug on to consoles
> and then sit down with my laptop and can access all the serial ports
> without having to run cables.

such a thing exists, I wouldn't consider it part of permanent oob solution.



> Talk about eliminating the rat's nest....

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