C14 to "laptop usable" power cord
Iron Solder
key set for standard rack (IBM, APC, etc.)
International power adapter
Multipurpose all-in-one portable ethernet router/firewall/switch

On 02/17/2012 11:15 PM, Pierre-Yves Maunier wrote:
2012/2/17 Jay Ashworth<j...@baylink.com>

Please post your top 3 favorite components/parts you'd like to see in a
vending machine at your colo; please be as specific as possible; don't
let vendor specificity scare you off.

-- jra

1 - As previously said : LC/SC couplers + patchcords
2 - fibre/connectors cleaning kit
3 - SC/LC optical attenuators
4 - Laser pen that can send visible red beam in blink/continuous mode
5 - as said previously too : USB-RS232 adaptator
6 - plastic cable clamps (don't know the exact english term for that but I
mean this -->
7 - compressed air can to clean dust
8 - CAT5 tester

A good this to be able to borrow from the noc (because a bit problematic to
put then in a vending machine) :

- an Optical Power Meter
- a live fiber detection device (to be able to detect presence of light and
the direction of the light in a fibre without disconnecting it) we use
these at work and they're awesome :
- a plunger (not sure about the english translation for this one too :-) )

Leonardo Rizzi
Web: www.deepreflect.net
Home: +39 02 45071118
Mobile: +39 339 8387915
Mobile UK: +44 7895 873667

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