On 2/17/2012 3:06 PM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:
Don't forget the 30lb sledgehammer for those times when, ah, "percussive maintenance" is the only possible solution. ;)

My previous job had me managing our presence in a data center. For several months, in the row of racks across the hot aisle from ours, there was another customer of the data center who had apparently decided to only plug in one of the two power supplies for some drive array they had ... which resulted in a nice, steady beep. While not excessively loud, you could still make it out from several rows away. For those months, within five minutes of being in the data center, I wanted to perform percussive maintenance ... first on that equipment, then on the idiot who let it go for more than day beeping like that.

Eric Stewart - Network Administrator - e...@usf.edu
University of South Florida, Information Technology

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