Consider also FlowViewer w/ flow-tools. You can set up long-term graphs of
any filtered traffic you like (e.g., by AS, by IP range, by service (ie
port), or any combination, etc.) Keeps stats like peak, average, etc. (just
like MRTG, only for the filtered set of your choice.) Has an email alert
capability when usage crosses a max or min threshold.

Quick, easy install.


From:   ali baba <>
To:     Matt Taylor <>
Cc:     "" <>
Date:   02/13/2012 08:22 PM
Subject:        Re: IP Transit with netflow report?

Ya, thks for the suggestion... been using Arbor and like the flexibility of
doing different reports on the fly. But, it is costing too much and newer
box only allow 5 routers?!! Having some hard time trying to get the
resources to do it in-house, as you guys know, mgmt loves to say forget it
and press the provider to give us..

Is there anyone out there providing such a thing as netflow-as-a-service?

On Monday, February 13, 2012, Matt Taylor <> wrote:
> Scrutinizer!
> On 13/02/2012, at 9:53 PM, Raphael MAUNIER <>
>> +1
>> Do it yourself :)
>> You can have a look at As-Stats. It's easy to install and maintain
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Raphaël Maunier
>> CTO / Directeur Ingénierie
>> AS8218
>> On 2/13/12 11:30 AM, "George Bonser" <> wrote:
>>> nfdump + NfSen
>>> Do it yourself.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ali baba []
>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:49 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: IP Transit with netflow report?
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> Hope someone can help me out.. I have some IP Transit links with one
>>>> the Tier1s and I need to know the source<>destination of traffic
>>>> passing though.. My provider gives me a straight "NO, we can provide
>>>> this" and I am wondering if anyone knows of any providers who gives
>>>> netflow report?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> AB

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