> -----Original Message-----
> From: christopher.morrow
> to be fair: "Some Providers do not check registries for 'right to use'
> information about prefixes their customers wish to announce to them
> over BGP."

Maybe not but I would think that in practice it would be something like:

1. Provider initially filters traffic based on the address range they have 
issued to the customer.
2. If the customer brings their own IP addresses, the provider does a quick 
check to see if those have been SWIPed to the customer
3. If the customer wants the filtration opened up to include additional IPs, 
the do the same as #2
4. If the customer has no record of having control of those IPs, a quick call 
to the listed assignee of those numbers would verify that the customer is 
mutual and is properly sourcing traffic in that IP range and filters are 
adjusted accordingly. 

In about 99% of cases that would be the end of the story and everything runs 
merrily along after that.  Sure, there are going to be corner cases but if 
someone starts playing whack-a-mole with IP address assignments and is asking 
for frequent changes, that might be a tip-off that they might be trouble.

It *does* involve maintaining some record of the configuration settings 
someplace in case of equipment changes/failures, etc. but that would be a small 
price to pay for reducing the amount of time spent chasing DoS complaints.  It 
has to be a community effort with a set of best practices developed and applied 
by the community.  

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