In a message written on Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 06:33:17PM +0100, Grzegorz 
Janoszka wrote:
> Most policies can be used in two address families, you can also match
> prefixes, but you cannot have v4 and v6 prefixes in one term. So in your
> policies you have to have at least two terms - one for v4 prefixes, one
> for v6 prefixes.

Another thing IOS-XR fixes!

route-policy my-example
  if destination in my-ipv4-prefix-list or destination in my-ipv6-prefix-list 
    set community 1234
    set med 0

In 99.99% of the cases it allows you to have one policy for both IPv4
and IPv6, and add the parameter passing I discussed the other day and
it's almost like something was thinking of routing engineers when they
wrote it. :P

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
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