"increase pipe" = port trunking/etherchannel/port bonding whatever your
supplier calls it. just use 2 or 4 ports instead of just one.
ieee 802.3ad/lacp/link aggregation, etc.... all the same stuff. ;)
provided you have another interface on/for your router ofcourse (your
switch probably has plenty ;)
also an option (for cisco)...
int gix/x/x
max-reserved-bandwidth 1
(i'd say, 1% of 10ge should about cover all the needs for inband layer-2
related stuff as a few kbit/s already should suffice ;)
1% being the minimum you can set this to.
Sven Olaf Kamphuis,
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On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, Randy McAnally wrote:
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 08:32:21 -0500, Ann Kwok wrote
Thank you for your help
But we can't increase the pipe as we are using 10G switch.
The congestion happens when the traffic is using 7G
If you cannot increase bandwidth, then you must increase the TX queue (in QOS
and/or port buffer).