On 2/2/12 21:59 , Randy Bush wrote:
>>> The suits won, and many nerds either threw in with them or revealed
>>> their affinity for the easy life and gave up. Being principled and
>>> turning away dirty money or exercising the "fire the customer" clause
>>> tends to be disliked by corporate officers.
>> bottom line -- the only way to fix this problem is for bad behavior to
>> become more expensive than good behavior. it's the only thing the
>> pointy hairs will understand.
> i just love to read geeks discussing legal and financial solutions.
> just about as educational as watching lawyers and cfos discussing
> engineering.
> seeing as we are purportedly engineers, perhaps we could discuss a
> technical engineering approach to prefix misorigination?

I hear there's this thing called RPKI that does origin validation, it's
a shame that TCP MD5 shared secrets are already considered to hard to
manage in this community.

> randy

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