Some datapoints based on ~500mb constant UDP telemetry data feed (total)
spread across many different comcast endpoints.

All Cogent -> Comcast.

Even though there's heavy forward error correction provisioned to
accommodate 5-10% packet loss, it's hardly used.  In fact, packet delivery
is incredible impressive to comcast.  Loss is well below 0.01% and often
involves another zero in there, too.  It's one of the best consumer access
networks I've seen and I give them a huge thumbs up for it.

Needless to say, I can't back up the same stats against some other carriers
(Verizon being the biggest offender, with their congestion being localized
to the ATM/DSLAM level and sometimes very high based on my metrics and
sampling).  That's why the FEC is there.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Shacolby Jackson <>wrote:

> Are there any providers that Comcast doesn't regularly run hot? Seems like
> no matter who I deliver through at some magical point in the evening they
> start spiking jitter and a little loss. Almost like everyone hits PLAY on
> netflix at the same time.
> -shac

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