On 01/21/12 12:38, George Bonser wrote:
that was reported.
But what -- *exactly* -- is an "illegal file"?

As Leo Bicknell astutely pointed out in this thread:

        "Also, when using a hashed file store, it's possible that
        some uses are infringing and some are not."
The problem is going to be the thousands of people who have now lost their 
legitimate files, research data, personal recordings, etc. that they were using 
Megaupload to share.


Not that I would not be a bit miffed if personal files disappeared, but that's one of the risks associated with using a cloud service for file storage. It could have been a fire, a virus erasing file, bankruptcy, malicious insider damage... Doesn't matter, you lost access to legit content in the crossfire.

There is always a risk of losing access to cloud resources. And for years, we always joked in my computer buddy circles, computers know when you don't have a backup.

It's your fault(not theirs) if that was your only copy.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

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