I certainly agree they have very different applications, and hopefully
that will help those looking for this kind of insight.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> wrote:
> On (2012-01-20 09:50 -0700), PC wrote:
>> Juniper has some very aggressive pricing on mx80 bundles license-locked to
>> 5gb, which are cheaper and blow the performance specifications of the
>> equivalent low end ASR1002 out of the water for internet edge BGP
>> applications.  Unlike the ASR, a simple upgrade license can unlock the
>> boxes full potential.
> ASR1002 list price is 18kUSD, MX5 list price is 29.5kUSD. Upgrade license
> for MX5 -> MX80 literally costs more than new MX80 (with all but jflow
> license, two psu and 20SFP MIC)
> Sure MX5 will do line rate on 20 SFP ports, vastly more than ASR1002, but
> this is little consolation if you need high touch services such as NAPT,
> IPSEC etc. So applications for these boxes are quite different.
> --
>  ++ytti

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