Is "full disclosure" expected on NANOG, or is it just polite? Like
mentioning that Chuck Reynolds is a salesman for QualiSystems, and not
just another network operator passing on what they might think will help?

On 01/15/2012 01:21 PM, Chuck Reynolds wrote:
> Hi Abdullah - Have you seen the new Resource Manager product from
> QualiSystems?  It has this capability built into it and out of the box to
> support large numbers of devices. 
> Let me know off line where you are located and I can hook you up.
> Regards,
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abdullah Al-Malki [] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: accessing multiple devices via a script
> Hi fellows,
> I am supporting a big service provider and sometimes I face this problem.
> Sometimes I want to access my customer network and want to extract some
> verification output "show commands" from a large number of devices.
> What kind of scripting solutions you guys are using this case.
> Appreciate the feedback,
> Abdullah

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