On 13/01/2012 22:31, Phil Regnauld wrote:
>       Like, TIPP or Netdot ?
>       http://tipp.tobez.org/
>       http://netdot.uoregon.edu/

Unfortunately, netdot is a complete curse to install.  It's not necessarily
a bad idea to use the preinstalled VM image, although I don't know how they
intend to deal with upgrade.

Once it's up and running, it actually works quite well.  Certainly a lot
better than nocproject (which looks like it could be awesome in lots of
other ways, if only I could figure out how on earth to use it...).

I built myself a freebsd Port for netdot 0.99, which I really ought to do
something about like getting it put into the ports tree.  The dependency
list is pretty astounding, but it does work.  When some copious free time
appears (any day now), I'll get around do doing something with it..


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