Wow. A fellow greybeard. OK. That's what I needed to know. I'm trying to understand if VPC has any more recent enhancements that weren't around for some older multi-chassis channel methods but I don't see anything specific in the docs other than some FHRP (HSRP only it appears) and PIM tweaks. If anyone has some really deep docs on VPC I'd appreciate the links. Thanks.


"I was a normal American nerd"
-Jack Herer

On 1/13/2012 1:31 PM, Joel jaeggli wrote:
On 1/13/12 11:19 , -Hammer- wrote:
OK, So I'm doing a lot of reading lately on Nexus as we are about to get
into the 7k/5k game and of course a lot of the marketing revolves around
VPC. Every time I see it referenced, I keep remembering a reasonably
reliable Nortel implementation called Split MLT (Multi Link Trunk). Is
there something fancy here that I'm missing in the docs or am I wrong in
equating the two? Isn't VPC just S/MLT? It's just that Cisco has shown
up 8 years late and is trying to hype it up to compensate?

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