Sounds like a poorly designed package. Wordpress does a good job of allowing 
back end updates without impacting the services provided, even with database 

Part of a well designed and maintained system is the ability to do painless 

Jared Mauch

On Jan 12, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Jimmy Hess <> wrote:

> Cacti/OpenNMS  are good examples -- after a yum update to a new version,
> you must manually invoke,  a potentially dangerous  "installer" program or
> web page has to be used, after a new update,  config files, or database
> schema have to be edited or patched by hand; until you  manually take some
> action to  "fix" the config,  the  application is broken after update.
> As soon as you attempt to restart the application it will shutdown OK, but
> not come back up.

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