On Jan 10, 2012 5:11 PM, "Peter Kristolaitis" <alte...@alter3d.ca> wrote:
> Wow!  Congrats to the Comcast crew, that's absolutely awesome!


Between dnssec and ipv6 Comcast has shown true internet evolution
leadership in their *actions*, which really stands out in an industry full
of talk.


> Definitely interested in hearing any "lessons learned" that you can share
from the exercise.
> - Pete
> On 1/10/2012 6:24 PM, Jeremy Bresley wrote:
>> Hadn't seen this mentioned yet.
>> http://blog.comcast.com/2012/01/comcast-completes-dnssec-deployment.html
>> Comcast has signed all their managed domains, as well as deployed DNSSEC
resolvers for their customers.  And they're encouraging others to make the
jump to DNSSEC now as well, especially e-comm/banking sites.
>> Nice work guys, any of the Comcast guys on the list want to give us an
idea how much work is involved in this from a large-scale service provider
perspective to do it?  Any big caveats you encountered that people should
watch out for?
>> Jeremy "TheBrez" Bresley
>> b...@brezworks.com

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