We host an Ookla Speedtest server onsite and find it a very reliable means to identify throughput issues. The source of any performance issues may or may not be ours, but if a customer says things are slow we can usually identify whether it's their PC or network (browsing is slow but speed test runs fine) or a local or regional network issue (speed test runs slow).
If a customer gets less than 90% of the advertised throughput, we follow up on it. Frank -----Original Message----- From: Michael Holstein [mailto:michael.holst...@csuohio.edu] Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 1:27 PM To: jacob miller Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Speed Test Results > Am having a debate on the results of speed tests sites. > > Am interested in knowing the thoughts of different individuals in regards to this. > > They are excellent tools for generating user complaints. (just like the "do traceroute and count the hops" advice from gamer mags of old). (my $0.02) Michael Holstein Cleveland State University