We host an Ookla Speedtest server onsite and find it a very reliable means
to identify throughput issues.  The source of any performance issues may or
may not be ours, but if a customer says things are slow we can usually
identify whether it's their PC or network (browsing is slow but speed test
runs fine) or a local or regional network issue (speed test runs slow).

If a customer gets less than 90% of the advertised throughput, we follow up
on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Holstein [mailto:michael.holst...@csuohio.edu] 
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 1:27 PM
To: jacob miller
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Speed Test Results

> Am having a debate on the results of speed tests sites.
> Am interested in knowing the thoughts of different individuals in regards
to this.

They are excellent tools for generating user complaints.

(just like the "do traceroute and count the hops" advice from gamer mags
of old).

(my $0.02)

Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

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