On Dec 14, 2011, at 12:40 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

> I believe this company is the one that sold the MS & Borders blocks, so they 
> may be "legit" (whatever that means in this context).

I also do not know what "legit" means in this context, but will note
that we have added a public list of all recognized specified transfer 
facilitators to the ARIN web site:


Facilitators are aware of ARIN's address transfer policies and agree to 
comply with same.  Note that any qualifying parties may transfer space in 
compliance with policy, but folks may find it easier to work with one of 
these facilitators to find a matching party for transfer.  Facilitators may 
make use of information in the optional Specified Transfer Listing Service 
(which lists those who have space available or prequalify as a recipient) 
but not required to do so.  Similarly, parties which may have space available
for transfer or wish to prequalify in advance to receive address space via 
transfer may also register in the Specified Transfer Listing Service (STLS).  
More information is available on the ARIN web site <www.arin.net> under 

FYI (and Happy Holidays :-)

John Curran
President and CEO


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