> > assumption that writable SNMP was a bad idea but have never actually
> tried
> > it.  I was curious what others were using, netconf or just scripted
> logins.
> > I'm also fighting a losing battle to convince people that netconf isn't
> > evil.  It strikes me as odd that if I wanted to talk to a
> database/website
> > full of credit card and billing info there's a long list of API's I could
> > use, but if I wanted to talk to the router or firewall in front of it I
> can
> > only use ssh or telnet.
> sad, right? there are millions of restful program writers, only a few
> thousand network device programmers, and the vast majority of 'network
> management' is done by people perfectly happy with 'cisco-works' :(
according to the law of supply and demand, that would be.... demand? right?

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