Maybe it's just me, but I would think that simply getting them listed on and other similar sites would probably have much more of an effect. The bad publicity can cause them to change tactics, but it takes some time. I've seen much quicker results from blacklisting on Google and other search engines.
Sincerely, Eric Tykwinski TrueNet, Inc. P: 610-429-8300 F: 610-429-3222 -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 11:48 AM To: andrew.wallace Cc:; Subject: Re: [ C|Net Download.Com is now bundling Nmapwith malware!] On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 22:14:48 PST, "andrew.wallace" said: > Using fruitful language and acting like a child isn't going to see you taken seriously. No, he *does* want fruitful language - one that produces results. I think you meant some other word instead. As far as "acting like a child", I'm reasonably sure that if CNet was doing the same thing to the good name of your consulting company, you'd react similarly. > ----- Forwarded message from Fyodor <> On the other hand, just being Fyodor is sufficient to get him taken seriously.