On Mon, 5 Dec 2011, David Radcliffe wrote:
I do have to say to anyone planning to work from home, make sure you have a proper work space. I have a computer room. It contains a dozen systems, electronics gear and parts (I used to have time for that hobby), and comfortable and ergonomic work spaces. There is no TV. No reason for one because this is the work room. The mind set should be "I am now in the work room, so I am at work." Really works for me.
That's one of the reasons that I don't work from home very much at this point - I don't have a proper office, however I'm hoping to fix that some time next year. The other reasons I don't work from home very much are that my job still has a lot of hands-on responsibilities (which I don't mind - pulling cable or racking equipment is a nice break from staring at a screen for long periods of time), and, unfortunately, upper managements' perceptions of things like teleworking and flex/comp time have not caught up with the times :(