On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 20:01, <bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com> wrote: ..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Suggestion received and needing confirmation: > > That ARIN or a party it designates assign one or more sense(s) of humour to > the CEO. >
I believe this suggestion suffers from being too non-specific, and could lead to unintended consequences. ARIN could, for example, assign John a slapstick comedy sense of humor and all the chairs at the next meeting would have a whoopee cushion. And do you really want John taking on the role of a Don Rickles as an insult comedian? And, of course 87% percentage of the population believes that they already have an above average sense of humor (and 62% of the population believes any statement with a statistic in it). I would recommend that this suggestion be revised with community input into what type of humor can achieve a community consensus. Gary