You can probably do it, but, what do you gain by doing so?


On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:37 AM, Dmitry Cherkasov wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> It is commonly agreed that /64 is maximal length for LANs because if
> we use longer prefix we introduce conflict with stateless address
> autoconfiguration (SLAAC) based on EUI-64 spec. But  SLAAC is not used
> in DOCSIS networks. So there seems to be no objections to use smaller
> networks per cable interfaces of CMTS. I was not able to find any
> recommendations anywhere including Cable Labs specs for using
> prefixes not greater then /64 in DOCSIS networks. Some tech from ISP
> assumed that DHCPv6 server may generate interface ID part of IPv6
> address similarly to EUI-64 so MAC address of the device can easily be
> obtained from its IPv6 address, but this does not seem like convincing
> argument. What do you think?
> Dmitry Cherkasov

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