and then there are the people who are excited to have one more
        person join the network of engineers.  and (IMHO) the sentiments
        quoted by Quinn are signs of short-sighted people.  Everyone is
        better at some things and worse at others.  Don't ignore anyone,
        don't look down on anyone - you will find there are things to learn
        from everyone and you have something to teach everyone.

        as mentioned earlier - a good team player is hard to find.


On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:43:54AM -0700, Quinn Kuzmich wrote:
> There are more than a few people out there that will look down on you for
> your efforts - ignore them.
> "The people who want you to give up are jealous because you're better than
> them. The people who are already better than you don't care about you
> because you're not as good as them."
> Q
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 4:52 AM, David Swafford 
> <>wrote:
> > Scott's point is very true!  Motivation will help you go very far,
> > much farther than certs/knowledge alone.  As a soon to be
> > college-grad, be ready for the initial disappointment, :-), even
> > though you'll have your CCNP, you have no real experience, so you'll
> > start at the entry level.  That's not a bad thing, but you might see
> > it as such.  The reason it is good, is that while at the entry level
> > (networking that is, I'm not talking about a helpdesk), you'll get to
> > touch and interact with a lot of different things with very little
> > "total" responsibility.
> >
> >

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