On 11/19/2011 4:04 PM, Joe Greco wrote:
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:58 AM, A. Chase Turner<ch...@stumpy.com>  wrote:
I am seeking a $100 turnkey micro hardware appliance to plug into a LAN

Why micro?  Just get a pile of free for the carting-off old Pentium
machines and run them headless with a BSD.  Set them up to heartbeat to a
cacti box.  Why buy new when you have a good use for the old stuff that is
going to a dump anyway?
As long as you're not paying the electric bill.  But quite frankly, some
of the stuff that's been put out over the years is better off in a dump.

... JG

They also have moving parts like disk drives and fans that will wear out
and need replacement.

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