Apologies for the noise, but I have been absolutely unable -- despite 
literally *hours* of trying --to contact anyone at _any_ of the published 
Verizon Business phone numbers who has any comprehension of what I am 
talking about -- to wit:

  "I am looking for someone with _any_ awareness/knowledge of Verizon 
   Business's public-access anonymous FTP server, with the hostname 

The published Verizon Business technical contact number -- both in 'whois'
for uu.net, and Jared's NOC contact list is only the 'ticket center', and
won't open a ticket for someone who is not Verizon customer.

"Customer service" doesn't know what 'ftp' is, and vacillates between
thinking it is a circuit problem, or  that I am having a problem with -my-

Call-transfer to 'technical support' was answered by someone handling 
'delinquent payments'.  Another transfer attempt ended up on somebody's 
cell phone.

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